At BePapaia, we are delighted to introduce our new Volume Discount system, specially designed to support your growth. From now on, your savings begin as soon as your order exceeds €1,000. Every purchase that exceeds this threshold can benefit from a direct discount by applying the corresponding code at your cart page. With tiered discounts that can reach up to 25% of the total value of your order, we are committed to helping you expand your business! Discover our discount ranges and start saving today. At BePapaia, your growth is our priority!
Discover the new Volume Discounts!
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You're just 500.00€ away to enjoy free shipping on your order!
You're just 1000.00€ away from enjoying a 10% discount on your order!
Well done! Your order has exceeded €1000. Apply the code BASIC10 to enjoy a 10% discount.
You're just 2000.00€ away from enjoying a 15% discount on your order!
Well done! Your order has exceeded €1000. Apply the code BASIC10 to enjoy a 10% discount.
You're just 4000.00€ away from enjoying a 20% discount on your order!
Well done! Your order has exceeded €4000. Apply the code PREMIUM20 to enjoy a 20% discount.
You're just 5000.00€ away from enjoying a 25% discount on your order!
Congratulations! Your order has exceeded €5000. Apply the code ELITE25 to enjoy a 25% discount.
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